
light-industrial-staffing-agenciesWith over 26 years in the staffing industry, Automation Personnel Services offers insight for applicants and job seekers into what your body language during an interview may say about you and provide tips on how to present your best foot forward at all times.

When it comes to getting your foot in the door for a potential new job, the resume typically serves as your potential employer’s first glimpse at your skills, knowledge, and areas of expertise. Once you show up for an interview, however, a hiring manager is bound to take note of your body language. In fact, your body language could actually be delivering a much more powerful message than your resume.

Initial Greeting

Handshakes are common amongst both professional men and women. Don’t be afraid to extend your hand first, if the hiring manager doesn’t. Not only is this a gesture of warmth and happiness, but it can even set the tone for the rest of the interview.

With that in mind, make sure to give the hiring manager a firm handshake. Avoid being too strong or too light with your grip, as both can be taken as signs of nervousness. Instead, simply extend your hand, look the interviewer in the eye and introduce yourself. Even if they are expecting you, it never hurts to reiterate your full name at this point. If nothing else, it ensures that your name stays fresh on their mind.

Eye Contact

As mentioned above, making eye contact during the initial greeting and handshake is crucial. Constantly averting your gaze or avoiding eye contact altogether is usually a sign of an applicant who lacks enthusiasm, motivation or confidence regarding the job in question.

However, try not to stare into the interviewer’s eyes too much or for too long. Make eye contact briefly when answering or asking questions, but only hold it until the answer has been delivered. Holding eye contact for too long, or staring into a hiring manger’s eyes, can also be taken as a sign of nervousness.


Make sure to pay attention to your overall body posture during the interview. You can practice this at home and in front of a mirror if necessary.  Make sure to sit up straight, hold your chin up and keep your arms comfortable and at your side. This allows you to maintain a very non-confrontational demeanor while still projecting self-confidence, enthusiasm, and good personal health.

Also, remember to smile when it’s appropriate. While a job interview is a serious occasion, a smile really can go a long way in lightening the mood. At the very least, it shows that you are a receptive, friendly and personable individual.

Tone of Voice

Finally, pay attention to the tone of your voice when speaking on the phone and in person. While it is important to project your voice in a confident and enthusiastic manner, remember to use your inside voice during an interview. Also, remember you are in a professional setting, regardless of how laidback the initial interview may seem.

How to Ace That Interview

Whether you realize it or not, your body language has a lot to say in whether you ace that interview. However, by showing up on time, dressing appropriately and utilizing the tips outlined above, you are bound to make a strong first impression.

Automation Will Find You Your Next Job

A leader in light industrial staffing, Automation Personnel Services offers employment opportunities across the nation! Automation Personnel has jobs in warehousing, manufacturing, plastics, and more. Contact your local Automation Personnel Services Branch to speak with one of our talent coordinators.  We are proud to be one of the largest staffing firms in the U.S. with clients looking for qualified and energetic workers like you to fill key positions!
