
You’ve been searching for the perfect job for weeks until you finally found it. The company even called to schedule an interview after reading your resume, and it seems nothing can go wrong at this point. When the big day finally comes, however, you’ve found yourself rushing around to grab all the necessary materials needed! The professionals at Automation understand the feeling.

This problem happens more often than you might think. With interviews scheduled days, weeks or even months in advance, it can be easy to forget. Some of us are so occupied with juggling our normal lives and the job search we just don’t remember appointments without reminders. If this describes you, continue reading to find out what you can do to save your reputation and avoid missing out on the job altogether.


While it’s easy to forget to prepare for an interview, Automation Personnel Services understands these things happen. Instead of frantically ripping apart your bedroom searching for an outfit or hectically printing your resume, take a minute to take a deep breath so you can think clearly about the situation. A few minutes to yourself, a couple deep breaths, and a few encouraging words can help you clear your mind and mentally prepare yourself. You’d be surprised at how quickly you’re able to prepare your wardrobe and materials once you’ve relaxed.

Make a List

As the fastest-growing staffing firm U.S., Automation recommends you make a list of the things you need to prepare. Don’t “wing it” and waste time pacing back and forth thinking about all the things you need to prepare. Instead, write a detailed, yet simple list of everything you need to grab before heading out to the interview. Your hiring manager or interviewer will appreciate the level of preparedness, even if they have no idea that you did it moments before arriving.

Moving Forward After an Unprepared Interview

Let’s face it: You’ll have good interviews and you’ll have bad interviews. The trick is to maintain your momentum after the successful ones and rebound as quickly as possible in the event you forget to prepare for a minor part of the interview. Automation Personnel Services makes this process easy by offering a large pool of reputable employers to choose from. If you’re currently struggling to secure a temp-to-hire opportunity near you, reach out to us today!

Partner with an Award-Winning Staffing Agency

A two-time winner of Inavero’s Best of Staffing ® Award, Automation Personnel Services, Inc. is ready to bring your company the best employees. Contact us today to get started on working with one of the largest staffing firms in the U.S.
