By Loyd McIntosh
Marketing Manager
If there is one thing almost all job seekers can agree on it’s this: the current job application process is an enormous hassle. From the complicated and repetitive online application to the endless waiting with no response, the whole process is often an exercise in frustration. In order – to recruit the best talent – especially the passive job seeker – companies should honestly evaluate their current recruiting apparatus and find ways to make it a better experience for potential candidates. Here are some ways to help your company improve the job application process.
Simplify the Application
Perhaps the best way to improve the job application process is to start with the application itself. Recent research has shown an astounding 92 percent of applicants never complete an application online.
Additionally, the typical online application takes an average of 51 clicks and almost five minutes to complete. While five minutes may not seem like a lengthy amount of time, keep in mind it wasn’t too long ago that a job seeker could simply attach a resume to an email, write a cover letter, and click “send.” And, this doesn’t take into account additional steps that often must be completed before the candidate can begin the application – creating an account, setting up passwords, verifying the account via email and/or text, etc.
Simplifying the job application will help reduce the time it takes for applicants to complete an application and make it less frustrating as well. Streamline the application form by reducing the number of questions asked, providing clear instructions on how to complete the application, and eliminating repetitive requests to input information already on the candidate’s resume.
Complete our Employee Request Form and a member of our team will be in touch to discuss your hiring needs.
Provide Communication
Seventy-five percent of applicants say they never hear back from a company they are applying to, including a simple acknowledgement of receipt. Additionally, 22 percent of applicants claim they would encourage others not to apply with a company if they are unhappy with the job application process.
Providing regular communication to applicants during the hiring process can help keep them engaged and informed. Automating email and/or text updates on the status of their application, sending personalized emails or phone calls, and other timely feedback can greatly improve the job application process.
Provide Clear Job Descriptions
One of the primary reasons many recruiters fail to communicate with job applicants is because they’re not qualified for the role they’re seeking. While there is no way to eliminate unqualified candidates from applying entirely, one of the reasons for the problem could be your job descriptions.
A job description has two functions – to accurately communicate the details and expectations of the position as well as to entice qualified candidates to apply.
Make sure your job descriptions clearly outline the required qualifications and skills needed for the job. To help applicants determine whether they are a good fit for the job and reduce the number of applications from unqualified candidates, be specific and avoid cliches. For instance, replace “must have good communications skills” with something more along the lines of “you will be required to write weekly reports and occasionally make presentations for key stakeholders.”
Other useful tips include writing your job descriptions in a conversational tone, avoiding the use of overly creative job titles, and always, always, always include the job’s salary in the job description. This is especially important for attracting passive job seekers
In conclusion, taking to improve the job application process is critical to attract talented candidates to your open positions. By simplifying the application form, providing regular communication, and writing clear job descriptions, you can create a better candidate experience that reduces frustration and improves your chances of hiring the right candidate.
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