If you have been searching for a new job for an extended period of time, you’re probably aware of what to include on your resume. Basic contact information, your chronological work history, and your educational experience are standard. However, with so much emphasis being placed on items to include, some job seekers don’t know that some details absolutely should not be included on a resume. With over 26 years of staffing experience, Automation Personnel Services, Inc., one of the largest staffing firms in the U.S., shares insider tips for job seekers on what information should not be included on a resume.
Personal Information
Although this section should be kept rather brief, it is important to double-check and proofread your contact information after you have typed it. Giving out wrong information, such as a bad telephone number or email address, can completely ruin your chances of landing the job. Not only will a hiring manager have difficulties reaching you, but they will surely notice a lack of attention to detail.
It is just as important to avoid including a personal email address with an alias or nickname. It is encouraged that you provide a more professional email address including initials and or your name.
For Example, Tommyboi87@exampleemail.yup vs. Thomas_Johnson@exampleemail.com
(You can easily create a free email account on platforms such as Google, AOL, and Yahoo.com)
Accomplishments vs. Day-to-Day Tasks
In many cases, our actual job duties are different than what was originally stated in the job description. It is never a good idea to simply copy and paste the company’s description of your current job. The information contained within the description might not even be accurate to what you do on a day-to-day basis.
Don’t worry about listing the common tasks that you accomplish every single day. Instead of focusing on activities and duties, try to focus on your actual achievements.
TIP: Try to use numbers and statistics whenever possible. This gives the reader a straightforward and factual account of your past career experience.
Salary Expectations
It is a good rule of thumb never to disclose your exact salary expectations on your resume. Although it is true that some resumes used to state an applicant’s salary expectations, as well as their past salaries at each and every employee, this simply isn’t necessary today.
Furthermore, listing your salary expectations on a resume has always been a double-edged sword. While it can help you eliminate jobs that don’t match up to your needs, it could also lead to a lower salary than what the employer was willing to offer in the first place.
Writing the Best Resume, You Possibly Can
As you can see, there is a lot of information that simply doesn’t belong on a modern resume. Use these tips to tighten your resume and, in the process, ease some of the hiring manager’s burden by submitting a resume that is concise, straightforward and error-free.
Contact Automation Personnel Services
With 33 branches located throughout the United States, Automation helps job seekers find the best jobs for their skills and schedule. Contact Automation Personnel Services, Inc., one of the largest staffing agencies in the U.S., to get started with your job search today!