Show Job Candidates That You Respect Them


Given the state of today’s candidate-driven recruitment market, it’s important that employers show their applicants appreciation and respect. Offering increased pay and benefits are always attractive to new recruits, but showing them the proper amount of respect can go even further than money and perks. With that in mind, there are a number of techniques… Read more »

How Can a Staffing Agency Play a Role in Workplace Safety?


The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, also known as OSHA, is an agency that is dedicated to upholding the safety, health and ethical treatment of workers in the United States. As such, they are responsible for establishing and enforcing regulations involving employee health and safety in the workplace. Staffing agencies, however, are in a unique… Read more »

The Impact of Complying with Employment Law as It Changes


There is no denying that the employment landscape has been changing for the last 40 years due evolving employment law, and the impact on companies and employees has been felt. The overall impact of the government regulations has created a safer and more cohesive work environment, but implementing new policies is often time consuming and… Read more »