Older Car Maintenance Tips


Tips for keeping an older car in shape.

Five Simple Maintenance Tips To Keep an Older Car in Shape By Joe Crowe  Few people can afford a top-of-the-line, straight off the dealer’s room floor new car, but we all know how important it is to have a reliable means of transportation to get to and from work each day. However, if all you… Read more »

How to Follow up With a Potential Employer After Being Told You’re Overqualified


Sometimes it seems like you just can’t win. You’ve spent decades following a solid career path and rewrote your resume countless times – but you still come across as overqualified. It’s a real problem that affects many of the workers seeking temporary assignments.  Automation Personnel Services can help you overcome this issue and make your… Read more »

How to Diversify Your Interviewing Style for Each Interview


Stephen Nordness founded Automation Personnel Services with an emphasis on diversification. If you hope to follow suit, the first step to diversifying your workforce comes in the initial interview. Not only does this give you the chance to find qualified applicants, whether they’re sourced from temp agencies, staffing agencies, or traditional means, but it lets… Read more »

4 Ways to Stay Interested in a Job You Don’t Like


At Automation Personnel Services, we realize how difficult it is to remain interested in a job you simply don’t like. We always try to connect our recruits with new and exciting opportunities in their fields, but it’s perfectly normal for an employee to lose interest in their job over the course of time. If you… Read more »

How Can You Write a Rejection Letter That Makes Your Company Look Impressive?


The art of writing a rejection letter is something every business leader should master. Although some rely on a standard document or generic template, this can be offensive to some. Instead, try to craft a letter that is straightforward, concise and informative. Apart from getting your point across without being to blunt or harsh, this… Read more »

What Do You Do When You Can’t Stand Your Co-Worker?


Anyone who has worked for any period of time has encountered a difficult co-worker. Just like all other aspects of our life, it’s impossible to get along with everyone, but effective use of conflict resolution and showing respect for everyone you work with is imperative. It’s important to be cautious when dealing with a co-worker… Read more »