
When used effectively and to their fullest extent, staffing agencies can be an invaluable tool when comes it to locating work, ensuring you are prepared for the job market and making your presence known within an industry. You need to open up all lines of communication between you and the agency.

Be Specific

Make sure to be specific regarding your desired employment. Don’t be afraid to state your expectations, requirements and even your future intentions. Make sure your recruiter is clear on your chosen industry, the type of roles you are targeting and your desired compensation. Not only will this help to ensure that you are placed in a job that meets your needs, but it can save a lot of time and hassle on behalf of you and the staffing agency.

Apart from discussing what you do want, some candidates find it helpful to discuss what they absolutely do not want, as well. While this is not required by any means, it can be an incredibly useful strategy when trying to land a specific job within your chosen area of expertise.

Show Up On Time

The importance of communicating with your staffing agency cannot be stressed enough. With that in mind, it’s critical that you show up on time for any appointments, meetings or interviews. Apart from showing common professional courtesy, it also serves to emphasize your own sense of discipline, motivation and dependability.

Discuss Your Availability

It’s also important to discuss your day-to-day availability with the staffing agency. While this isn’t such a big issue for those who maintain open schedules, those candidates who have prior responsibilities might need to make special arrangements with their recruiter. The most typical and common arrangements can almost always be accommodated, and we’ll do our best to work with you in every scenario.

Furthermore, it’s important to notify your recruiter of any sudden changes in your career status. Applicants who land employment, whether through the staffing agency or otherwise, should notify their recruiter immediately.

Dress Appropriately

Remember, you are not simply registering for work when visiting one of our branch locations. Because we work so quickly and efficiently to match qualified recruits with employment, you should keep in mind that you are applying for a job whenever you enter our office. It’s important that you dress as you would for any other job interview in your chosen industry or area of expertise. Doing so will ensure your preparedness and diligence, which can go a long way in making a strong and long-lasting impression with your recruiter.

Jumpstarting the Application Process

In order to make the process as quick and easy as possible, we invite you to complete our online application. Not only does this ensure that your name and profile is already in our system, but it will put you ahead of the application process when you do visit one of our branches.

Automation Leads in Light Industrial Staffing

With 31 locations across the country, Automation helps numerous job candidates take the next step in their industrial staffing careers. We have experienced recruiters ready to assist you with the right assignment to fit your skill set. Contact Automation today to work with one of the largest staffing firms in the U.S.

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